Sri Dalada Maligawa Kandy

                                                Kandy is the 2nd capital city in Sri Lanka .It is in the central Province.The Lord Buddha's Secred Tooth Relic is kept in this palace.This is a main Worship Place among Buddhism around the world. All most every Buddhist visit this temple of the Secret Tooth Relic in Kandy. Not only amoung Buddhisms but also all most every foreigner who visit Sri Lanka do not forget to visit Temple of the Secret Tooth Relic in Kandy.It has been declared as a World Heritage. This palace was build by King Kithsiri Mewan during the kandyan era. In History the Symbol of Kingship is the Ownership of the Lord Buddha's Secred Tooth Relic . So all the kings Tried their best to Protect the tooth Relic. All the kings of Sri Lanka Protected it as their own life and held it in utmost revenue.
                                               Sri Dalada Maligawa is a religious , cultural and social  symbol for Sri Lankans. In 1770 king Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe started the Dalada peall the perahera .It has lasted through eighteen centuries. This is a mark of Respect and homage to the Lord Buddha's Secred Tooth Relic .Every year in the month of August procession of the Secret Tooth Relic is held. Among pageants held in Sri Lanka . The Kandy perahera is the most splendid and Famous.  In Sinhala it is called Asala Perahera , and it is the Festival Period of god. Asala Perahera of gods is held in the four devalas dedicated to three gods Natha , Vishnu and katharagama and the goddess paththini.
                                               In the last four days of Perahera , it is very grant and it is called the Randoli perahera. It is lead by Dalada procession. A majestic elephant carries the sacred tooth relic on its back. The custodian of the tooth relic Diyawadana Nilame walks in the procession in the midst of dancers drummers and touch bearers. This grand pageant ends with the day perahera which moves down to the mahaweli river where a ceremony is performed. A pot is filled with water and brought back to the devalas where it is kept until the following year. Lot of foreigners comes to Sri Lanka to visit this procession. You also come and get the bless of Lord Buddha's Tooth relic. 
May Tripplegem Bless You


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